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White Papers

Ever wonder where the term white paper came from?  While we were preparing information about Value Healthcare Services to present to you, we were curious ourselves.  The answer we found is actually quite interesting.

Many people associate the term white paper with a document that outlines details about a company and the product or service it offers.  That is correct.  However it’s only recently, about 20 years ago, that white papers came to mean a corporate document.

The first use of the term white paper was for a government document.  Winston Churchill wrote The British White Paper of 1922, also known as the Churchill White Paper.  It clarified how Britain viewed the Balfour Declaration of 1917.  You can google the Balfour Declaration if you are really curious.

Ok, history lesson over.

At Value Healthcare Services, we offer several white papers to help explain our unique approach to healthcare bankruptcy recovery.  Our first white paper outlines a case study which clearly demonstrates the need as well as the tremendous potential for every healthcare institution.  In addition, we offer a white paper to explain the process we have developed to maximize your recovery efforts.  We invite your comments and questions.

The First Company Dedicated to Healthcare Bankruptcy Receivables

This white paper introduces Value Healthcare Services: our mission, our team, our technology, our privacy policy and our commitment to our clients.  It’s time to start thinking differently about bankruptcy recovery!

Cycling Through the Revenue Process: Understanding Bankruptcy

The Bankruptcy Recovery Process is very straight forward and strictly regulated by the Federal Government.  The Key to Capturing All Patient Bankruptcies is a Proactive Approach.  See how our fully automated system takes into account each step of the process to maximize potential revenue.

Bankruptcies Recovery Rates Can be as High at 25%! See Actual Historical Performance

When you see the potential revenue from patient bankruptcy accounts, you’ll understand why we created the first company dedicated to Healthcare Bankruptcy Receivables.  It’s a missed opportunity you cannot afford to miss any longer.

Dramatic Patient Bankruptcy Case Study from a Top 5 Hospital

We conducted a random case study, focusing on Chapter 13 filings. The results surprised us! See how many bankruptcies were missed and how much money could have been recovered. What’s the solution? This white paper offers a clear plan.